Info Directions & Parking



Parking around Hockenheimring

  • From the north: P1 (bus parking), P2

Please note that this information is only a recommendation. Depending on traffic volume and parking situation, you will be directed to the next available parking spaces.

Note about parking spaces

Race visitors can park their vehicle free of charge at Hockenheimring on the freely accessible all-day parking spaces between 6 am and 8 pm. However, parking in the period from 8 pm to 6 am classifies as special use, for which a fee of 100 euros per night is payable. Events with an evening programme are an exception to this rule; the parking time is extended free of charge in this case.

ADAC Pendlernetz

According to the motto better.twogether, the Hockenheimring and the ADAC Pendlernetz are working together towards sustainable spectator mobility. The aim is to promote fans’ carpooling and thereby reduce CO2 emissions during travel to and from the event.

More information at:

We are partner of bwegtPlus

By presenting a valid “bwtarif-Ticket”, “Schüler-Ferien-Ticket”, “D-Ticket JugendBW” or “Deutschland-Ticket”, you will receive the following discount from 1st August 2023: 5% discount on your purchase in the Hockenheimring FanShop (only redeemable on site).

